C.W. Gear Outstanding Graduate Award

For CS students only
Established by alumni, friends, and former students to recognize contributions and services of Charles W. Gear, head of the department from 1985-90. Gear was a pioneer in automatic numerical methods. He wrote the operating system for ILLIAC II, developed the first successful general program for solving stiff differential equations, and a landmark program for automatic integration of ordinary differential equations.

Criteria: This award is for two outstanding graduate students. Recipients must remain a student for at least one semester following the award (students graduating in May 2023 are NOT eligible; students who will be registered for courses in summer 2023 or fall 2023 are eligible). Typically, this goes to doctoral students late in their graduate studies.

Supplemental Questions
  1. What year in your graduate studies are you?
  2. Please provide a single PDF containing your current CV and all graduate studies unofficial transcripts
  3. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and broadening participation in computing (BPC) are an important part of the UIUC CS mission. Please write a brief paragraph telling us how DEI figures into your past and present teaching, research, community engagement, and your lived experience? How do you imagine incorporating attention to DEI into your future work?
  4. To the best of my knowledge, I have not committed any action that violates the UIUC Student Code or the CS Department Values and Code of Conduct.