Franz Hohn and J.P. Nash Scholarship

For CS students only
For undergraduates who will be enrolled in the Department of Computer Science in Fall 2023. Selection is based on academic merit and given in recognition of outstanding scholarship and promise in applied mathematics, computational science, or scientific computing. Established in 1997 by the late Gene Golub (BS Math ’53, MA Stats ’54, PhD Math ’59, Hon. DSc ’91), the Fletcher Jones Professor of CS at Stanford University. Golub established this scholarship in honor of two Illinois professors who influenced his life: Franz Hohn and John Purcell “Jack” Nash, pioneers in the field of applied and computational mathematics.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Will you be registered for courses in the upcoming Fall semester?
  2. Do you have an interest in applied mathematics, computational science, or scientific computing? If so, please list the courses taken in this area, and the grades received. In addition, please provide any other information that would show that you have an interest in these areas (e.g., research in these areas).
  3. Please upload a single document containing your resume/CV and unofficial transcripts
  4. To the best of my knowledge, I have not committed any action that violates the UIUC Student Code or the CS Department Values and Code of Conduct.